Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Sunshine

Hi, all!

Here's a recap of the ten weeks that made up my very interesting Spring term here...

The Spring term began in the second half of a fairly chilly, snowy winter. The term was to comprise of two study modules, one group project, and the all-important MSc project proposal. I knew from the outset that it was going to be a heavy term, and I have never been proven more right!


Project matters

Preparing the project proposal was a very important part of this term. Not only would it form the basis of my MSc dissertation project, but it was also excellent preparation for formal report writing.


Go, G7!!!!!

One of the most significant things that happened this term was the group project. It is what made my Spring term very special. There are eight of us here at the Uni of Essex who have undertaken MSc in Advanced Web Application Programming (AWAP as we call it), and we were banded together for the purpose of the group project. We were to work on developing a web-based nursing staff allocation system. For this purpose, we held official (and inofficial) meetings, did all the required groundwork, spent endless hours in the lab working on the application, put together all the required documentation, and did our best to submit everything on time. Finally, we presented the application to our assessors and gave them what I think was an unbelievably good demonstration of the system.

In a matter of a few weeks, we went from being mere acquaintances and classmates to becoming colleagues and finally, friends. Initially, it was a challenge coordinating eight different mindsets and work styles, not to mention, timetables! But somehow, over time, everything came together rather nicely. So evident was the positive chemistry and camaraderie in the group that even the assessors and our fellow classmates could not miss it.

As for me personally, I had spent about three years working by myself before this. So, the prospect of a 'group' project made me apprehensive initially. But then as we started on this journey together, everything fell into place so perfectly that the apprehension melted away before I knew it. The whole experience was made up of these little and big moments... burning the midnight oil with Tony over scheduling algorithms... working with Laurence for hours and hours on the scheduling code... Ali bringing us piping hot evening tea as we struggled through some tricky bits of the system... Jane managing work, family, kids et al to make a contribution to the system... brainstorming with Andreas, Maria and Demetra over a million issues we came across ... Andreas' trademark opening statement "Tell me, Kay..." ... Demetra and Maria saying "Kay, breathe!" and randomly checking on me to make sure I wasn't in a state of utter panic :D

It was a pleasure working with this group of wonderful people, getting to know them better, sharing those 'eureka' moments, laughing and joking around with them, and also learning from them. Life will probably take us in different directions from here on. But we will always have this incredible experience that binds us.


Spring Sunshine

As the spring term progressed, the weather changed too. While we were all toiling away indoors, lush sunshine fell on the campus, and the greenery that had disappeared in winter began to return ever so quietly. Pretty daffodils sprung up all over the place, as did tiny white and yellow flowers all over the lawns. By the end of March, the spring term came to a close, but it seemed like the spring season was only just getting started.


Sleep deprivation, anxiety, utter exhaustion, and complete satisfaction... these terms characterised my spring term. I learned a host of new things and made a bunch of new friends. Towards the end, there were moments of sheer desperation as the submission deadlines grew closer and closer. I was more than satisfied with how it all turned out eventually. Also, thanks to the concluding group project presentation, my spring term ended on an excellent, unforgettable, heartwarming high.

Thus, in the honour of our amazing G7 Group Project..... my dear team members - Ali, Laurence, Jane, Maria, Tony, Andreas, and Demetra - I dedicate this blog post to you!!!

Signing off,



Demetra said...

Kay mou..
I was very touched reading all of your blog spots. Especially this last one. As I told you many many times I can't believe that I've met someone so alike to me. :)
We had a great time during group project work with lots and lots of unforgettable memories. I'm very pleased that I had the chance to meet and get to know you better. Congrads for all that you've accomplished so far and hope it all turns out the way you want them.

P.S: "It's a metaphor Daddy!!" :)))

Unknown said...

Thank you so so so so much, Demetra mou! Yes, even I'm constantly surprised by just how alike we are! :D Many thanks for all your good wishes and wish you all the very best for everything as well!!!

PS: Loved the PS! ;)

Tony said...


Beautiful blog post. We enjoyed our group project like anything. Actually we were the only group who enjoyed during every sort of trouble. This group gave me the most happiest time and motivation during those good old days in Uni. Love you all...

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Tony! I totally echo your feelings :)